The U.S. continues to pour money into cloud computing. Why is this the case? It comes down to a number of important considerations.
Reliability and cost
Because cloud computing allows agencies to save onto several servers and to access it from anywhere, it is easy for agencies to trust that their information will be there and to always have it be available. When considering the cost of a backup server that would otherwise be located on premises, many groups make the decision to use the cloud.
Energy efficiency and availability
As much energy as data centers tend to use, they ultimately wind up being more efficient than a large bank of personal computers. Large-scale organizations like a city police department can share cloud computing resources with other parts of the local government, like a city council. This allows multiple local government groups to pool resources for a better IT solution for them all. Plus, cloud computing allows workers to access information through mobile devices, ensuring that they can always get their information.
By moving to the cloud, organizations are able to get lower costs, better efficiency and more reliable and consistent access to information.