Security breaches are inevitable - plans need to be made to clean up
While this is hard to hear for many agencies, data breaches are inevitable.
Secrets continue circling through firms’ use of cybersecurity
Cybersecurity as a subject is always cloaked in mystery when it isn’t dry and technical.
Cybersecurity is difficult for everyone, but hiring experts is harder
Finding security experts for companies is becoming increasingly difficult in a world desperate for professionals who can keep networks safe.
New bills lay out procedures for organizations ready to face cybersecurity problems
Federal agencies should be ready to increase their cybersecurity over the coming years.
What does the Sony hack mean for federal agencies?
Understanding the dangers of communication online has never been easier, thanks to a series of high-profile communication leaks.
Federal agencies to increase cybersecurity spending?
A new $1.1 trillion spending package for cybersecurity for federal agencies was passed recently, hopefully giving government groups the tools they need to prope...
Cybersecurity becoming a more important issue for the White House
Ashton Carter, Obama’s new lead, has an eye for cybersecurity, according to the Washington Post.
VA fails cybersecurity audit 16 years in a row
This month the Department of Veterans Affairs underwent its annual cybersecurity audit, and for the 16th time in a row, it failed.
Department of Homeland Security looks into self-repairing networks
It was announced in mid-November that the Department of Homeland Security is partnering with cybersecurity industry experts to automate federal cyber defense so...
State Department email systems shut down to investigate possible breach
It was announced this week that the U.S. State Department was forced to shut down its unclassified email system in order to evaluate damage created by a potenti...